Improve Sports Performance: Sports Psychology for Athletes

Mental skills training for athletes

Enhanced Performance

Sports psychology enhances performance by helping you to manage stress, maintain focus, and build resilience.

Develop Mental Toughness

Overcoming challenges, staying determined during setbacks, and maintaining a high level of performance even under pressure.

Improved Focus

Helps to enhance your ability to focus and maintain concentration during training and competition, which is key to achieving optimal performance.

Stress & Anxiety Control

Effective strategies to manage stress and anxiety, which can otherwise negatively impact your performance and overall well-being.

Supercharged Motivation

Techniques to ignite the correct form of motivation within you that drives you to pursue and achieve all the right goals for your success.

Life Skills & Injury Recovery

Strategies that are not only applicable to sports but also beneficial in life, including recovery, personal and professional development.

Supreme Confidence, Handle Pressure & Mindset

Sports Psychology Mental Skills Online Course

10 Steps to success in your sport

Introduction to Sports Psychology & Mental Skills

An understanding of what mental skills training is and how it is included in our sports psychology course.

Sports Psychology Key Mental Skills

Learning 5 key mental skills that develop your focus, confidence, imagery, motivation and manage stress.

Supreme Confidence is a Critical Mental Skill

A deep dive into confidence in sport and give you some confidence building techniques that help you win.

Develop Razor Sharp Focus and Concentration

Both short term and long term strategies that ensure that you are in the moment for the moment for success.

Build Powerful Motivation with Sports Psychology

Our techniques drive your passion & desire from within to win, by developing the correct motivation type.

Mental Skills Training: Remove Stress, Anxiety, Pressure

Stress, anxiety, fear & pressure are the worst forms of mental state affecting your performance and wellbeing.

Mental Imagery, Mental Rehearsal and Visualisation

Techniques that will change your performance forever by using mental imagery in training and competition.

When to Practice Sports Psychology Techniques

The strategies & understanding of when to apply sports psychology techniques, pre, during & after competition.

Consistency & Encouragement in Mental Skills Training

We will show you how consistent mental skills training can be life changing, not just for sport but for life.

Most Asked Sports Psychology Questions & Examples

The top questions here are answered, plus professionals recommending and using sports psychology.

Special Discounted Price £47

Join Geoff Greenwood FCCA MBA MSc

A new video program with full workbook of techniques that anyone can apply easily for better performance and skills acquisition in your sport.

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in over 80 countries

Our online material and programs have been used and accessed in 80 countries and rising each day across business, psychology of sport, leadership and performance.

Online courses sold in 83 countries